There was a voyager who
went forth on Tuesday
He walks in
tranquility, unaware
Of the thin line of a
Blue streak racing down Forest Park
He starts Racine down
the ramp
Adrenaline pumping through
his heart as his feet fly to get him to his destination
The multi-bodied
behemoth scoffs as it charges off without him
Having already
satisfied its appetite
Angered, he stares off
plotting his revenge
Fear grips him but he
knows he must enter the mouth of the beast
He waits for its
distinct call: the screeching of the wheels on the parse wood
The beast comes, mouth
open, taunting the voyager to enter
He grips his tools,
knowing he must enter resume his hunt
The creature’s voice
blares resounds though its body, telling its victims where their destination
Within the mouth of the
beast, the voyager sees the other victims the creature has taken
There is a man, offering
everyone on board a death stick of smoke
He knows it is the only
way to drown out his sorrows and escape the horror of his captivity
Still another reveals
itself and munches on Pretzels, Chips, and Hummus in rapid succession, wishing
to eat its last meal before it dies
Yet one more flies
through train and train, squawking for money, her pockets dangling with enough
change and evidence of her treachery
The voyager is touched,
startled but happy to see a fellow comrade in these abyss
They converse about the
horror of the AP World History Essay, before his friend leaves, having found a
way to escape the beast’s mouth
More people enter the beast
A man comes with two
snakes intertwined in his ears, eyes glued to this 16 GB window of light
Two lovers, barge
through, treating each other’s faces like a succulent meal
Eyes closed but still finding
the prime cuts of flesh and best tasting morsels
Like a mist, sleep
overtakes the voyager
Seeing his destination,
he punches through the beast’s mouth
His feet propel him up
the stairs, while the creature attempts to catch him
The cold and bitter winds
strike his face
He steps and turns to
reject the cold’s embrace
He slides across the
ground as a means of transportation
The roar of another
creature echoes throughout the air
The voyager turns,
knowing he must confront it
The air shackles the
clean air, beating it to a dark and husky black
Congrats on your new blog! Love the title! I'm keen to read your literary output in the days ahead.